To the future in reverse...
Iraqi Head Seeks Arms.

AMBILIVEN’S CLOUD NINE RESIDING AUTHORITY: Hopefully you have been to some of the other areas, becuase by now you should know that until there is some sort of ’semblance’ in this category, the objects here will be displayed in order of the date published.
Many have also questioned our spelling of this category-implying that it may indeed spelled wrong…ya know…”where’s the customary ‘c’ and ‘e’?” Well, we don’t have to defend our spellings to you or any of your other cronies over there on ‘Chauncey Hill’-so shove it! And while you’re out doing that, please also notice that we spell this category the same way everywhere you see it, in order to further justify the sovereignity of category-nation….
Yes…thus is the art of ambivilen…

Front page image for My Last Field Trip at
2003-01-10, Ambivilen. My Last Field Trip:

01.10.03 With 19 years of space in between, there’s really not much difference between my first field trip to Historic Ft. Meigs and my last field trip to the Washington Post. Both set out to maintain the status quo for the little people by promoting that almighty American Dream, while conveniently concealing what would have been a more truthfully educational, but more importantly actually interesting out-of the classroom learning experience-submitted by Daniel P. Beckmann, Moderator of Letters

Front page image for What Everyone is Talking About at
2002-11-20, Ambivilen. What Everyone is Talking About:

11.20.02 Entertainment Tonight They call it the most watched entertainment program in the world. (They also call it E. T. and we all have are ideas about Ms. Hart’s, especially post Tesh) Mr. Nugent once said to me that all there is to life is entertainment and the pursuit there of. Now in just two paragraphs, he manages to capture what is ambivilen better than anything else I’ve seen. What everyone is talking about-submitted by Intervalist Mark G. Nugent

Front page image for The INVOICE at
2002-10-26, Ambivilen. The INVOICE:

We’ve put up words, art and even a little muiltimedia here and there, but those aren’t the only things that under our shady parameters are considered objects worthy of publication. BEHOLD!->Our very 1st INVOICE to avoid the zero sum gain(R)!-submitted by mufop

Front page image for Christina Riccis' Big Head at
2002-10-21, Adam K. Chorney. Christina Riccis’ Big Head:

Sure, its been a little over six months since tomarken’s exhaulted # 2 Guy has stepped up to the plate. Now his long awaited 3rd Transaction(with many more to come I’m sure…) Christina Ricci’s Big Head-submitted by Adam K. Chorney

Front page image for This Note from Aussie Andrew at
2002-10-10, Ambivilen. This Note from Aussie Andrew:

10.10.02 This one night I befriended this Kiwi(new Zealander), this Canadian logger from Vancouver Island who hated America because he blames them for closing down his mill(he now spends his days surfing) and this Aussie named Andrew from Perth who, after several hours of drinking and after the others went home, he handed me this note…

Front page image for Double Vision Collusion at
2002-08-16, Ambivilen. Double Vision Collusion:

Its a story of unions, corporations, drugs, and the rock ‘n roll between them. How they all used Double Vision to get the job done.

Front page image for Army Buddy Willie at
2002-07-17, Ambivilen. Army Buddy Willie:

His name was Willie…and if the war didn’t kill him, that tree sure almost did!-submitted by intervalist C. S. V. Boyairre

Front page image for Star Crunch at
2002-07-09, Ambivilen. Star Crunch:

A chewy cookie topped with caramel and crisp rice then covered in a layer of fudge. Individually wrapped 12 to a carton.-submitted by Bryan McGhee.

Front page image for 20 emails..  at
2002-07-05, Ambivilen. 20 emails..:

Richard Tebrick embarks on his quest to be nicer to everybody in the fabulous article-of-sorts.

Front page image for 10 Years:
2002-05-30, Ambivilen. 10 Years:”Right Here, Right Now”:

05.31.02 Right here? or was it really right then? I’m not sure which he was really talking about 10 years ago but now at its tin/aluminum aniversary we take a look-see at 10 Years of Right Here, Right Now-submitted by Daniel P. Beckmann

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