To the future in reverse...
Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories an hour.

Front page image for Hype vs. Buzz at
2003-05-16, Adam K. Chorney. Hype vs. Buzz:

Who knew there was a difference between -Hype- and -Buzz-? Intervalist Adam K. Chorney does and can explain it for you here in Hype vs. Buzz
The question post object:Is tomarken -Hype- or -Buzz-?

Front page image for An Open Letter in refute of Dr. Bill Mendelshon...  at
2003-05-05, Adam K. Chorney. An Open Letter in refute of Dr. Bill Mendelshon…: intervalist Adam K. Chorney responds with a typically vitrolic wit to the posthumous writings of the infamous Tomarken Intervalist-in-memoriam Dr. Bill Mendelshon.

Front page image for Christina Riccis' Big Head at
2002-10-21, Adam K. Chorney. Christina Riccis’ Big Head:

Sure, its been a little over six months since tomarken’s exhaulted # 2 Guy has stepped up to the plate. Now his long awaited 3rd Transaction(with many more to come I’m sure…) Christina Ricci’s Big Head-submitted by Adam K. Chorney

Front page image for Summers in Maine: The Bacon Brothers Revealed  at
2002-04-16, Adam K. Chorney. Summers in Maine: The Bacon Brothers Revealed:

First Kevin Bacon, through the degrees of seperation concept was the center of the universe. Now his bro has his hand in something that may indicate the Bacon family is finally making their move-submitted by Adam K. Chorney-db

Front page image for NBA Inaction, On ABC at
2002-03-04, Adam K. Chorney. NBA Inaction, On ABC:

BREAKING STORY HEARD HERE FIRST! NBA inaction, on ABC I felt compelled to put this bit in Revolution!! Gather the troops together on this one, its the birth of tomarken’s 1st bone fide cause!-submitted by Adam K. Chorney-db

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