To the future in reverse...
Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories an hour.

AMBILIVEN’S CLOUD NINE RESIDING AUTHORITY: Hopefully you have been to some of the other areas, becuase by now you should know that until there is some sort of ’semblance’ in this category, the objects here will be displayed in order of the date published.
Many have also questioned our spelling of this category-implying that it may indeed spelled wrong…ya know…”where’s the customary ‘c’ and ‘e’?” Well, we don’t have to defend our spellings to you or any of your other cronies over there on ‘Chauncey Hill’-so shove it! And while you’re out doing that, please also notice that we spell this category the same way everywhere you see it, in order to further justify the sovereignity of category-nation….
Yes…thus is the art of ambivilen…

Front page image for Those Hyphenated Last Names and The Impending Doom When Two of Them Get Together... at
2007-04-20, Ambivilen. Those Hyphenated Last Names and The Impending Doom When Two of Them Get Together…:

So I’m new here at Current as evidenced by this being my first blog entry. I won’t get into too much about that now, you know about the whole Cousin Larry driving from Wisconsin to the big city with nothing “gonna stand in his way”… I frankly need to milk the “I’m the new kid [...]

Front page image for Freedom Poems at
2006-01-04, Ambivilen. Freedom Poems:

This is my long over due next submission to tomarken. Somone was teasing me about Voltaire at work. Or rather about being a head case i assume. My natural defense was to run with their implication that i was a head case. So as i labored i concockted, heh heh, a poem about something i barely know anything about, freedom. The first is in french but is pronounced as written for americans. The next is the translation to english-submitted by Intervalist Mark G. Nugent

Front page image for The Litmus Test at
2005-07-05, Ambivilen. The Litmus Test:

Everyone’s lookin’ for quick n’ ez these dayz and with “true love” determination sometimes you just ain’t got more than 91 minutes–you need it now!–>Just pop in the movie “Airborne”â„¢ bra’, she if he/she “gets it”, then call the judge to see ya @ 2 cause you gotta bag this ‘un! It’s The Litmus Test and the only failure could be if you don’t know how to properly administer-submitted by Richie Zevin

Front page image for Dude Economics at
2005-03-07, Ambivilen. Dude Economics:

Gee, I sure hope that calling this object Dude Economics isn’t a misnomer…For some reason it’s taken me a year to sum up the subjectivity of this balad of how the dude really does need the city and the city folk could one day evolve, if they’re lucky and their technology permits, to become the dude.-submitted by Daniel P. Beckmann, Moderator of Letters

Front page image for Dr. Yarrum's Not Gone. at
2005-01-10, Ambivilen. Dr. Yarrum’s Not Gone.:

On this very sad day in the history of, and following Beckmann’s touching eulogy to one of the great proponents of the Manifesto, our ardent comrade Dr. Yarrum, I find myself left in a crisis for a response to that event unrespondable. Grasping, then, and in the spirit of Tomarken, I offer the following short and ficticious elegiac words an’ drawrins’ to our departed confederate. He will be missed.

Front page image for List of things that make positive feelings go away at
2004-09-21, Ambivilen. List of things that make positive feelings go away:

Fall is upon us…but did FALL make this list??? Are kids getting beat up on school buses as as we read? What’s exactly in the words that you read This. and more…too much more in Richie Zevins’ latest: List of things that make positive feelings go away

Front page image for hipsters at
2004-09-20, Ambivilen. hipsters:

For every hipster that I see / that strives against redundancy / I always see another one / that takes redundancy and runs.

Front page image for Deconstructing hipster<->discourse at
2004-09-02, Ambivilen. Deconstructing hipster<->discourse:

It was a totally organic occurance you should trust…about the same time some members of the tomarken community embarked on a discourse deconstructing the Hipster, Intervalist Dora C. Villarosa sent us Hipsters This matter of coincidence could only be penultimate to a spontaneous windfall of John Deere(R) hats worn by asian girlfriends delivering prose to you on retro 50s style compartmental tv-dinnerware..

Front page image for evil  at
2004-07-05, Ambivilen. evil:

07.05.04. evil. Another story of a discussion of the certainties that one writer associates with evil, in light of these days therein.-submitted by Matt Griffith

Front page image for The Great Communicator at
2004-06-08, Ambivilen. The Great Communicator:

Associations in one’s mind can truly only be achieved by the beholder…in the case of one Ronald’s death this week, we as a country are mourning those associations we had for the man so oftenly referred to as The Great Communicator-submitted by Daniel P. Beckmann

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