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10 Years:”Right Here, Right Now”

Daniel P. Beckmann
05.31.02-Washington, DC

Oh, yes…its been 10 years of Jones, Jesus’s Right Here, Right now and hey, does it still feel good to be feel good to be a alive?

Such statements of epic proportions…but do they still apply to Right Here, Right now or was it really just Right there, back then…Lets start here:
I saw the decade in, when it seemed the world could change at the blink of an eye
And if anything then there’s your SIGN!……of the times
… he was alive and he waited for that he said. Is Jesus still alive…and why has he waited so long to make some more statements?->was everything just about said in ‘92?

The time of the early 1990s was indeed a special one…with the economy sort of blowing, a Bush in the White House and War in the Middle East over Oil. We had just finished the decade of the rich getting richer and some sort of stupid idealism based the mass consumption of consumer goods that they told us were good and we just had to have.

As we approach this, the Tin/Aluminum Anniversary of Right Here, Right Now Let us also consider the soon to be terminated Allie McBeal-the last time capsule from the late 90s.. We are indeed pulling away from that 90s station and that time period is starting to take form….and doesn’t the 80s seem stupider than ever before or is it just me?(anyone still driving an ‘89 Dodge Dynasty these days definitely thinks the 80s was stupider)

Yea, I don’t think that reflecting at this 10 year point that this Mr. Jones here will stand the test of time, like say his namesake Jesus or more importantly like Joel, Billy’s We didn’t start the Fire?I still refer to that one all the time… never before have so many learn such recent popular history in such cemented comments…and who the hell is this Johnny Ray? Brooklyn’s got a winning team?

<--Click on me!)
When I say this, I don't want to encourage you to throw over your electric keyboard or anything, but the truth is that no time is really all that relevant anymore or were they really ever? Yea, it could have to do a lot with commercial television and shorter attention spans, things do replace themselves a lot faster now...but haven't people always been saying that sort of thing all along?

Oh, Yippie I get to go to this limited time only Toyotanthon 2002! Yea, but is it really all that different from past Toyatothons? Maybe its worse…but one thing is for certain, if you got excited about every single Toyatathon since the 1980s you’d have pretty damn grey hair right now.

So you wanna to know what I think about right here, right now…don’t you?

Unfortunately this is the time that where confined too, but fortunately it has always been that way. Sure, the 60s and 70s seem cool, but that’s probably just because of who’s marketing them-for a lot of those boomers it was the last time they probably had a good time since now they are so concerned with their $$ and buying sweaters. Pretty much all the stuff they did back then is still available today including, and this may be shocking to some:Sex, Drugs, Rock n’ Roll and people who don’t shower.

WE, as the residents of this time period could do more to enjoy ourselves, but we could also do much less. The fashion and entertainment industries have never gotten away with what there are doing right now…except for the last good idea drought…and one might assume that it wouldn’t be all that hard then to come up with at least one good idea soon.

I do think that there is one thread sewn threw the generations–a time period if you will, that one carries with them for their entire lives from the day they are born until they are plummeted ? what president you were born during. Me, myself…I was born during the last few months of the Carter Administration..Oh the failures of Jimmy Carter with his DOUBLE DIGIT inflation and failed ideas of good-but the man was engaging and made significant strides in the Middle East and since he’s been kicked out, he’s done good elsewhere too-and he’s not afraid to stay at the party long after they have asked him to leave.

I don’t know about my other fellow Carterians, but I noticed a marked difference in everything that came before me and what has come after me. I feel like I have always lived in a transitional vortex from a more hap-hazard and crazy period going towards a more conservative and stupid one. The people older than us had less rules and our rules weren’t that bad, and then it seems that always next year, the kids just one year younger than us were sure going to get the clamp down and product reflects the results-They are the Reagan Kidz. These are a special bunch.. the Reagan Kidz, I do like to think of them as the very specialones.

At this point the popular theory stands that the Bush I kids will be somewhat lost and confused…while the Clinton Kidz growing up with the internet being right there next to their mommies at the hospital bed…are the New Hope that will save us from what those Reagan Kidz might fuck up from being all too sheltered under the blanket of the 80s and the simplicity of Don’t do Drugs! campaign. As for the Bush II kidz, while some may say its way too early to tell, ya might as well write ‘em off now and prove ‘em guilty until someone else proves otherwise…I think they’ll will be the most underestimated generation since the Millard Filmore Kidd-os of the mid 1800s.

So Mr. Jones…I hope you’re doing well my friend…and I hope your thoughts, your ideas, your song, will stay relevant a few clicks past every end of the decade so that indeed we can get excited once again about living our lives just waitin’ waitn…waintin’ for this, Right, Here Right nOW…dodent!!!

Musical Context

Right here, Right now-Jones, Jesus

A woman on the radio talks about revolution when it’s already passed her by
but Bob Dylan didn’t have this to sing about you
you know it feels good to be alive

I was alive and I waited waited I was alive and I waited for this
Right here, right now, there is no other place I want to be
Right here, right now, watching the world wake up from history

I saw the decade in, when it seemed the world could change at the blink of an eye
And if anything then there’s your SIGN…. of the times

I was alive and I waited waited
I was alive and I waited for this
Right here, right now

I was alive and I waited waited
I was alive and I waited for this
Right here, right now, there is no other place I want to be
Right here, right now, watching the world wake up from history
Right here, right now, there is no other place I want to be
Right here, right now, watching the world wake up from history
Right here, right now, there is no other place I want to be
Right here, right now, watching the world wake up {do do do DA doooo}]

We Didn’t Start the Fire-Joel, Billy

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