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"Some phone psychics provide useless, erroneous information" - StatenIsland Sunday Advance > Ambivilen > Double Vision Collusion (08-16-02)
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Double Vision Collusion

11.29.00-Toledo, OH

Unlikely group conspires to use Classic Rock!

Report cites Diamler Chrysler, United Auto Workers, Foreigner and Jacor Communications

Jeff Scott
Syndicated News Services
TOLEDO, Ohio(Nov. 19, 2000—Diamler Chrysler, with the help of the United Auto Workers, local radio stations and a classic rock band, used the song Double Vision from the years 1995-1999 at its now demonlished Toledo Willys Parkyway Jeep Plant location, to give workers there the impression that their self-intoxicated work environment was safer than it actually was, as alleged by a report from a local occupational therapy research group obtained by the Syndicated News Services.Double Vision was a song written in collusion with the unions, a national radio station companies, and the classic rock band Foreigner, in an effort to force people to conintue working despite their double vision from drug intakes during the overnight shift at Toledo’s Willys Pkwy jeep plant.

Nancy Wilkins, chief researcher at the ironically titled Willys Center for Occupation Therapy at the Medical College of Ohio would not verify the report.

"We started noticing the number of accidents going up at certain peak times with the workers complaining of slurred vision," stated Wilkins in the report."After doing several sporadic tests of workers during different times throughout the day, we found a consistent supply of what is generally known on the street as crack-cocaine in the bloodstream of more than 64 percent of all workers tested with a peak "

According to Wilkin’s study, the workers on the day shift, for example, would snort the crack during their regulated lunch hour from 11:15 AM to 12:15 PM and then generally again during their 15 minute smoking break from 2:15 PM to 2:30 PM. The drug would start to have its effects

Here’s one of Double Vision’s versus:
Never do more than I really need
My mind is racing but my body’s in the lead
Tonight’s the night
I’m gonna push it to the limit
I’ll live all of my years in a single minute

“We’ve always been strong for Toledo,” said Foriegner’s publicist, Marty Stubbs-Roth. “We’ve rocked ‘em hard year after year!” Stubbs-Roth was refferring to Citifest’s weekly Rally by the River celebration in Promenade Park of which Foreigner is a frequent act.

The rerport alleges that the song was played on Jacor Communications Inc., stations, which include, KISS-FM, THE RIVER, FM 104, x94.5, 97-1, the last three of which are classic rock stations with similar music rotations. They would play the song like clock work with in a range of 10 minutes at various "trouble spots" throughout the day. "Trouble spots" were defined as the points at which the effect of the crack-cocaine was believed to be at its strongest…like the 1:30PM, 3:30PM , 9:34PM ranges for the day shift with others timed specifically for the 2nd and 3rd shifts.
"Yes it is in the work rule that a radio station is to be played at a safe, mind you safe volume at all times with a rotating schedule of stations, rotating mind you, so there there accusations is totally unfounded you see," explained Charlie Buncker, United Auto Workers Local #12.

But the Jacor Communications Inc. based out of Cincinnati, OH, is the sole station provider of all of the stations programmed at the factories system use programming provided by the same radio consulting firm: Musitech, a subsidiary of Jacor Comm. Inc., just outside Plano, TX.

"Those lists are set in after consultation by our work-room effeciency consultant, Mr. Lee Iaccoca himself out of his Yocco’s consultation services inc.," said Musitech’s Executive Vice President for Programming, Viceroy Dees.

The Syndicated News Services attempted to reach Mr. Iacooca at his Yocco’s offices, in Whitehall, PA, but he did not return our phone calls before the time of publication. Yacco’s is more well known for its consumer hot dog franchise in the Lehigh Valley, PA area.

According to Wilkins, the song would rotate among Jacor’s three classic rock outlets so listeners outside of the Jeep plant’s regulated environment would not catch on. But inside the Jeep Parkway location, the radio’s dial was regulated per union rules to play a certain station at a certain time thus synchronizing with Foreigner’s "Double Vision".

While the Wilkins report showed evidence that neither the company, nor the union representing the workers provided the crack-cocaine, it appeared as though they were aware of its use and tried everything in their power to keep the workers using the drug with the intention of increasing worker productivity.

Hans Scheurt, Daimler Chrysler Corporation said, "We are unaware of any policy to use this Classic Rock you speak of to improve work-place efficiency, in fact we fought against it." Daimler declined further comment.

"Why don’t you mind yo’ own business? ", said UAW’s Charlie Buncker. "Obviously we been set up by someone, set up! Can’t you see that?"

According to a report released by the independent watch dog organization Consumer Reports, the Jeep Cherokee models, also known as the XJ line, built during this period from July of 1995 through August 1999, experienced transmission problems that resulted in peculiarly loud sporadic noises. The years from 1995-1997 were the peak output periods for this model.

“I know I’ve gotten in trouble for this before,” said Carty S. Finkbeiner, Mayor of Toledo. “But if what you’re saying is true, we could have the deaf people work the the jeep plant and then they wouldn’t hear any of that garbage. Then maybe the coke-heads and rockers wouldn’t mind the noise at the airport?”

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