For those who “Want to read the dictionary but simply don’t have the time…NerdWords!
AMBILIVEN’S CLOUD NINE RESIDING AUTHORITY: Hopefully you have been to some of the other areas, becuase by now you should know that until there is some sort of ’semblance’ in this category, the objects here will be displayed in order of the date published.
Many have also questioned our spelling of this category-implying that it may indeed spelled wrong…ya know…”where’s the customary ‘c’ and ‘e’?” Well, we don’t have to defend our spellings to you or any of your other cronies over there on ‘Chauncey Hill’-so shove it! And while you’re out doing that, please also notice that we spell this category the same way everywhere you see it, in order to further justify the sovereignity of category-nation….
Yes…thus is the art of ambivilen…
All Americans, row by row, one single tribe united together behind their tele-visions proclaiming This is the American Dream-submitted by Richie Zevin
Some may consider this object to be in rather “poor taste” with consideration to Mr. Hope’s recent death. But when you run a website with no ads, poor taste is what you can afford. Lets see the body!
07.17.03 Interview Series. What do Dave Thomas, Deceased founder of Wendys and horrible dictator Saddam Huessien have in common? IN “Exclusive Tomarken interview” conducted several months ago and only uncovered just recently by Intervalist C.S.V. Boyairre, he found Saddam Huessien in Middle America
07.14.03 Oh to be in love, be powerful and of course the house in Aspen-The Quinessential Senate Summer Intern Romance(R). This summer, however, a shattering story of how the affair between two very powerful coffeecopymakers in the office of Texas Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchinson(R) ended smashed on the rocks of the smoggy Potomac
A Timely Spring Romance Yet another sexual exploit that our most powerful porn-o-grpahic constituency can write home about in order to pump up our numbers-submitted by Caitlin E. Dorsey
Dear Tomarken, Please consider the first four chapters of Ephemera for publication on your site. This is still a work in progress, but I would like to see how the beginnings are received. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation. Sincerely, Dora Christine Villarosa
It takes leadership these days to take a pointed stand in favour of the WAR in IRAQ–that’s exactly was C.S.V> Boyairre is advising to his former congressman which employed his free service way back when times were much simpler…–A Letter to save ‘War in Iraq’
Now that we’ve had some time, here’s BOOSH’s State of the U again, as interpeted by F. Nick Michaels Do you remember it quite this way?