To the future in reverse...
Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories an hour.

RESEARCH DESK:For now we will sort by date of entry, later by subject area as those are established…

Front page image for Behind VH-1 Behind the music at
2003-12-03, Daniel P. Beckmann. Behind VH-1 Behind the music:

How can a website that can be found at times to be dealing in culture take on the prognosticator of what indeed popular cultures is by decades and top-100 rankings and live to tell about it? Well its easy, they called us!(we didn’t really even have to do that much work) What we found?-in the words of the Joker(R) This town needs an enima<{echo implied}. It is Tomarken’s pleasure to take you Behind Vh-1’s Behind the Music

Front page image for Freud Revealed:A Lecture at
2003-06-08, Dr. Yarrum. Freud Revealed:A Lecture:

Is Freud and Fraud? The guy sure gets a lot of credit for the discovery of the field of pyschology–heck, Richard Dreyfus in the crazed comedy What About Bob? even names his son after the man! Freud Revealed-a lecture submitted by Intervalist Dr. Yarrum

Front page image for The Dr. Bill Mendelshon Park Bombing at
2003-05-07, Research. The Dr. Bill Mendelshon Park Bombing:

The Dr. Bill Mendelshon Park Bombing

Front page image for's Official Response to 5.2.03 incident involving Dr. Bill at
2003-05-06, Research.’s Official Response to 5.2.03 incident involving Dr. Bill:’s Official Response to the tragic events of last week involving the destruction of Dr. Bill Mendelshon’s Gold Coast home.

Front page image for An Open Letter in refute of Dr. Bill Mendelshon...  at
2003-05-05, Adam K. Chorney. An Open Letter in refute of Dr. Bill Mendelshon…: intervalist Adam K. Chorney responds with a typically vitrolic wit to the posthumous writings of the infamous Tomarken Intervalist-in-memoriam Dr. Bill Mendelshon.

Front page image for Controversial Love Doctor's Penthouse Bombed! at
2003-05-04, Research. Controversial Love Doctor’s Penthouse Bombed!:

CHICAGO — (AP) Writer/Publisher/Regular Kinda Guy Dr. Bill Mendelshon has gone missing-this after his Gold Coast apartment was bombed.

Front page image for How to cheat on the woman you have(unfinished) at
2003-05-03, Dr. Bill Mendelshon. How to cheat on the woman you have(unfinished):

All existing parts of Dr. Bill Mendelshon’s final installment of his trilogy analloging his indepth research of the female species, a work tragically cut short by the bombing of his Chicago penthouse.

Front page image for Where College is not an option (Part 3) at
2003-03-28, Research. Where College is not an option (Part 3):

03.28.03. This ain’t no Filmore High and she ain’t no Mr. Moore tryin’ to get to school on the back of a truck. This is Where college is not an option and the third email we’ve stolen in this continuing saga…, oh and if you’re subway’s on fire, please feel free to rock out to this on your way to the big ugly building where the people wait to clap for you;)-submitted by A. B. H.

Front page image for Journalists Journal-Oct 12th, 10-12-02 at
2003-02-08, Daniel P. Beckmann. Journalists Journal-Oct 12th, 10-12-02:

An event like the Saturday night Bali Bombings causes a chain reactions in many different areas. It sparks reaction from government, relief workers, family and friends, and also the little gerbils running around in circles that are behind what you see on the 24-hour news stations. These are big events for the gerbils and stories like these, early on, can create a bit of a rush, that some use as their attraction to the news business. Moderator of Letters Daniel Beckmann wrote this after I got home from wurking as a line producer at Sky News Australia.

Front page image for Pax Americana at
2003-02-07, Daniel P. Beckmann. Pax Americana:

“So this is the Superpower? Those noisy, arrogant, obnoxious, fat, violent religious fanatics that we wanted out of our country all these years are now ruling the universe! All they care about are themselves and their money. They have no sense of history or culture, when they come here they travel in packs and they don’t even try to learn the language or the culture and now they’ve got enough nukes here that we can’t even fight amongst ourselves anymore! I mean sure, they helped us to rebuild after World War II but that really only made them richer. They’re all so violent everyone of ‘em carrying guns and if McDonald’s isn’t enough, now they want to take over the whole world under the guise of their moral code….haven’t they learned anything from history?” -Ze Euros

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