To the future in reverse...
"Man shoots neighbor with machete" - The Miami Herald

RESEARCH DESK:For now we will sort by date of entry, later by subject area as those are established…

Front page image for A TOMARKEN Superpack!: at
2003-02-06, Daniel P. Beckmann. A TOMARKEN Superpack!::

A TOMARKEN Superpack!:
Pax Americana We’re #1!! We’re #1 How did all this come to America?
Journalists Journal-Oct. 12, 10-12-02 A comparison into another culture dealing with crisis.

Front page image for Bio Art at
2002-09-22, Research. Bio Art:

I’m not really sure if BioArt is the most accurative way to describe this. All that I know is that there is a small universe of those who are smart enough to be doctors, yet love living themselves enough to be artists-submitted by Jana Shoenberger

Front page image for Birds of Passage at
2002-08-23, Daniel P. Beckmann. Birds of Passage:

08.23.02. Many want look back at the late 60s with a twinkle in their eye as they ask of today’s Baby Boomer generation:What happened?. With scandals, greed, intolerance, mass death, destruction and a war nobody quite understands not yet irradiated from the planet, have the boomers lost their way since they took charge? Maybe not…Birds of Passage-a study into the Class of 1970 at Washington University in St. Louis-submitted by Daniel P. Beckmann

Front page image for Jello and Other things...PART TWO at
2002-08-22, Research. Jello and Other things…PART TWO:

Have you been up nights wondering how our young and idealistic teacher is fairing against those Dangerous Minds of the Bronx?…Rest assured, we’ve lifted another email from the galaxy just for you! Jello and Other things…PART TWO-stolen with permission from A. B. H.

Front page image for A Case Study: September 11th and The American Reaction at
2002-08-04, Research. A Case Study: September 11th and The American Reaction:

Sept. 11th, now a cliche, fortified patriotism in this country to build a base of support for the all-encompassing War against the suprise attack against civilians in some strategic places. Hmmm…A Case Study: September 11th and The American Reaction-submitted by Elie S. Badesch

Front page image for 20 things that people seem to relate to. at
2002-07-31, Research. 20 things that people seem to relate to.:

In a process of reverse-engineering the tomarken strategy for relationship-building, Moderator of the Moderates, Richard Tebrick, has left you this thing.

Front page image for Jello and Other things... at
2002-07-19, Research. Jello and Other things…:

So the N.S.A is reading your emails and you’ve been a cryin’ about that Phil Donahue..have you? Well I’ve got news for you Phil tomarken’s been readin’ your emails too, and everyone else for that matter! Here’s one we intercepted from the Bronx from a Teacher in America:Jello and Other things-stolen with permission from A. B. H.

Front page image for Once You've Got a Woman, What do You Do With Her? at
2002-07-11, Dr. Bill Mendelshon. Once You’ve Got a Woman, What do You Do With Her?:

07.11.02. Dr. Bill’s really outdown himself this time! Surpasing even his first installment, he now explains… Once You’ve Got a Woman, What do You Do With Her?-submitted by Dr. Bill Mendelshon

Front page image for Venous Air Embolism: The Silent Killer at
2002-07-03, Research. Venous Air Embolism: The Silent Killer:

In today’s Tomarken’s Two Your Health we enter the business of scaring grandmothers by revealing the shocking revelation Venous Air Embolism: The Silent Killer -submitted by Caitlin E. Dorsey

Front page image for Too Much Brain Power at
2002-05-31, Dr. Yarrum. Too Much Brain Power:

All of the money and all of the brick buildings and of course the symposium and the reason for all of it may just be Too Much Brain Power-submitted by Intervalist, Dr. Yarrum

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