To the future in reverse...
"Iowa moves back to Pittsburgh" - The Flint Journal

Welcome to the Intervalist organization of This category is reserved for those contributors that submit on a regular basis under the same name. In order to become part of this organization, you merely need to send a request to respond/@/ (you must remove the slashes from around the @) after you have demonstrated a consistency in your work as determined by those awfully shady people that moderate this site.

The Intervalists are listed below…click on their name to find out more about them and to view a comprehensive list of their objects.

Front page image for Monologs with Murray, Day Four at
2002-09-24, Dr. Yarrum. Monologs with Murray, Day Four:

I just had a wonderful dream / I was in a large hall listening to a middle aged nun at the podium. She was fervently addressing the audience on her God and her faith, obviously seeking to convert unbelievers to come forward and join her order. After listening to her for some time, I walked close to the podium and interrupted her. “You are working too hard” I said, You are not convincing any one in this audience…

Front page image for Monologs with Murray, Day Three at
2002-08-29, Dr. Yarrum. Monologs with Murray, Day Three: is a valuable forum for diverse opinions to be aired. There is no limit to the topics contributors feel that they want to post. I was struck by the contrast in tone of the last two articles that our moderator thought worthy of our attention.

Front page image for Birds of Passage at
2002-08-23, Daniel P. Beckmann. Birds of Passage:

08.23.02. Many want look back at the late 60s with a twinkle in their eye as they ask of today’s Baby Boomer generation:What happened?. With scandals, greed, intolerance, mass death, destruction and a war nobody quite understands not yet irradiated from the planet, have the boomers lost their way since they took charge? Maybe not…Birds of Passage-a study into the Class of 1970 at Washington University in St. Louis-submitted by Daniel P. Beckmann

Front page image for Journalism School/Shmornalism School at
2002-08-20, Criticism. Journalism School/Shmornalism School:

As I stand less than three weeks away from receiving my very own Masters in the Science of Journalism I am offered more proof that even the monuments can crumble. Journalism School/Shmornalism School-submitted by Daniel P. Beckmann

Front page image for Monologs with Murray, Day Two at
2002-08-15, Dr. Yarrum. Monologs with Murray, Day Two:

It was Balzac who said, “Behind every great fortune is a crime.” A crime is committed only when a law is broken.

Front page image for Monologs with Murray, Day One at
2002-08-12, Dr. Yarrum. Monologs with Murray, Day One:

I have always loved quotations, epigrams and the like. It goes back to the Sunday mornings of my childhood when I would jump into bed with my father with a copy of Elbert Hubbard’s Scrap book. It was loaded with pithy sayings chosen by Hubbard and was my introduction to the wisdom of the world. I would read each one to my dad waiting for his opinion…

Front page image for 20 things that people seem to relate to. at
2002-07-31, Research. 20 things that people seem to relate to.:

In a process of reverse-engineering the tomarken strategy for relationship-building, Moderator of the Moderates, Richard Tebrick, has left you this thing.

Front page image for Muppet Government? at
2002-07-18, Criticism. Muppet Government?:

Forget about the puppet government!! How about the Muppet government?-submitted by Intervalist Dan Beckmann

Front page image for Army Buddy Willie at
2002-07-17, Ambivilen. Army Buddy Willie:

His name was Willie…and if the war didn’t kill him, that tree sure almost did!-submitted by intervalist C. S. V. Boyairre

Front page image for Once You've Got a Woman, What do You Do With Her? at
2002-07-11, Dr. Bill Mendelshon. Once You’ve Got a Woman, What do You Do With Her?:

07.11.02. Dr. Bill’s really outdown himself this time! Surpasing even his first installment, he now explains… Once You’ve Got a Woman, What do You Do With Her?-submitted by Dr. Bill Mendelshon

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