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20 things that people seem to relate to.
Richard Tebrick, Moderator of Moderations
07.15.02- Internet

20 things that people seem to relate to.

Relating to other people is overrated. I’ve said it before and if not I’m at least saying it now. However, in order to really get in there and see what’s going on in people’s heads, you have to have some good general purpose relationship builders. Therefore, as a little reversal of the great tomarken premise of relating to everybody by relating to nobody, I have developed this list of things that people seem to relate to*, as a continuation of my ongoing lists towards niceness project.

  1. I really like music.
  2. “Do you want a Pop Tart?”
  3. Child pornography is wrong.
  4. Steven Spielberg has made some good movies, but some are not so good.
  5. I like people with a sense of humor that is like mine.
  6. My inner-monologue is interesting, to me.
  7. Hitler was bad.
  8. Some things that taste alright might kill you.
  9. I’ve watched some television.
  10. Let’s not take racism too lightly.
  11. Freedom!
  12. Water.
  13. “I knew this guy in high school…”
  14. Yeah, AIDS is a problem.
  15. Wars.
  16. tits
  17. Bread.
  18. Language.
  19. I got some problems.
  20. I’m more good than bad.

*Items in “quotes” refer to someone being able to relate to someone (only possibly themselves) saying said quoted item.

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