To the future in reverse...
I Believe it's called the Boy Scouts for a reason.

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9 moderation statements, zero moderation! - The Anti-Plagairist!

Front page image for Down with Modern Love!:Forward at
2002-08-18, Criticism. Down with Modern Love!:Forward:

Here at, we pride ourselves as resting on a particular space on the political spectrum. To find it, conservatives must look far towards the right and liberals must look far towards the left or something like that…we get confused. Down with Modern Love!:Forward the Phallocracy Part I-submitted by Nels Frye

Front page image for Double Vision Collusion at
2002-08-16, Ambivilen. Double Vision Collusion:

Its a story of unions, corporations, drugs, and the rock ‘n roll between them. How they all used Double Vision to get the job done.

Front page image for Monologs with Murray, Day Two at
2002-08-15, Dr. Yarrum. Monologs with Murray, Day Two:

It was Balzac who said, “Behind every great fortune is a crime.” A crime is committed only when a law is broken.

Front page image for Monologs with Murray, Day One at
2002-08-12, Dr. Yarrum. Monologs with Murray, Day One:

I have always loved quotations, epigrams and the like. It goes back to the Sunday mornings of my childhood when I would jump into bed with my father with a copy of Elbert Hubbard’s Scrap book. It was loaded with pithy sayings chosen by Hubbard and was my introduction to the wisdom of the world. I would read each one to my dad waiting for his opinion…

Front page image for A Case Study: September 11th and The American Reaction at
2002-08-04, Research. A Case Study: September 11th and The American Reaction:

Sept. 11th, now a cliche, fortified patriotism in this country to build a base of support for the all-encompassing War against the suprise attack against civilians in some strategic places. Hmmm…A Case Study: September 11th and The American Reaction-submitted by Elie S. Badesch

Front page image for 20 things that people seem to relate to. at
2002-07-31, Research. 20 things that people seem to relate to.:

In a process of reverse-engineering the tomarken strategy for relationship-building, Moderator of the Moderates, Richard Tebrick, has left you this thing.

Front page image for here you go at
2002-07-23, Criticism. here you go:

After all these months of tomarken, this guy finally sends something in and to be honest, I have had a hard time deciding whether or not its criticism or ambivilen. But in the pursuit of a real open open dialogue in this forum here you go-submitted by Michael S. DeBonis

Front page image for Camelbak:The New
2002-07-22, Criticism. Camelbak:The New “Glasses”:

Yes, even Dick Clark must eat, sleep, drink, & go to the potty,–well maybe not him…but everyone else does. So in this modern era have we actually gotten worse in any of these departments? Camelbak:The New “Glasses”-submitted by Caitlin E. Dorsey

Front page image for Jello and Other things... at
2002-07-19, Research. Jello and Other things…:

So the N.S.A is reading your emails and you’ve been a cryin’ about that Phil Donahue..have you? Well I’ve got news for you Phil tomarken’s been readin’ your emails too, and everyone else for that matter! Here’s one we intercepted from the Bronx from a Teacher in America:Jello and Other things-stolen with permission from A. B. H.

Front page image for Muppet Government? at
2002-07-18, Criticism. Muppet Government?:

Forget about the puppet government!! How about the Muppet government?-submitted by Intervalist Dan Beckmann

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