To the future in reverse...
I Believe it's called the Boy Scouts for a reason.

Front page image for Genetic Code of Aussie Phame at
2004-03-07, Criticism. Genetic Code of Aussie Phame:

If you’re looking for a place to birth your children so that they can later become famous Australians, you will have to look only for places other than the island continent. For the Genetics of Aussie Phame apparently cannot be arranged in a place that has less developed culture than yoghurt.-submitted by Daniel P. Beckmann

Front page image for Planet Earth Intellegence at
2004-02-07, Daniel P. Beckmann. Planet Earth Intellegence:

Step right up! Be the first in your quadrant to be able to decipher “False-Profits”…WOW the local autoritarian with your grasp of their authorit-ty!!…quantify your smarts on a scale from here to infinit-ty! Planet Earth Intellegence-submitted by Daniel P. Beckmann, Moderator of Letters.

Front page image for Behind VH-1 Behind the music at
2003-12-03, Daniel P. Beckmann. Behind VH-1 Behind the music:

How can a website that can be found at times to be dealing in culture take on the prognosticator of what indeed popular cultures is by decades and top-100 rankings and live to tell about it? Well its easy, they called us!(we didn’t really even have to do that much work) What we found?-in the words of the Joker(R) This town needs an enima<{echo implied}. It is Tomarken’s pleasure to take you Behind Vh-1’s Behind the Music

Front page image for A Call To Anti Plagiarist at
2003-09-23, Daniel P. Beckmann. A Call To Anti Plagiarist:

Moderation Statement–The Anti-Plagiarist is born.

Front page image for The 4th DI-mension at
2003-06-13, Daniel P. Beckmann. The 4th DI-mension:

06.13.03 Length X Width X Hieght X Time= are the 4 DI-mensions known to man. While it is understood that you can generally see the first three DI-mensions without any additional extension of factory-issued basic human sensual abilities, why is the 4th Dimension, which is equally as important, mostly overlooked in Grown-up society? A call to the masses for life-long maintenance of the 4th DI-Mension-submitted by Daniel P. Beckmann

Front page image for Journalists Journal-Oct 12th, 10-12-02 at
2003-02-08, Daniel P. Beckmann. Journalists Journal-Oct 12th, 10-12-02:

An event like the Saturday night Bali Bombings causes a chain reactions in many different areas. It sparks reaction from government, relief workers, family and friends, and also the little gerbils running around in circles that are behind what you see on the 24-hour news stations. These are big events for the gerbils and stories like these, early on, can create a bit of a rush, that some use as their attraction to the news business. Moderator of Letters Daniel Beckmann wrote this after I got home from wurking as a line producer at Sky News Australia.

Front page image for Pax Americana at
2003-02-07, Daniel P. Beckmann. Pax Americana:

“So this is the Superpower? Those noisy, arrogant, obnoxious, fat, violent religious fanatics that we wanted out of our country all these years are now ruling the universe! All they care about are themselves and their money. They have no sense of history or culture, when they come here they travel in packs and they don’t even try to learn the language or the culture and now they’ve got enough nukes here that we can’t even fight amongst ourselves anymore! I mean sure, they helped us to rebuild after World War II but that really only made them richer. They’re all so violent everyone of ‘em carrying guns and if McDonald’s isn’t enough, now they want to take over the whole world under the guise of their moral code….haven’t they learned anything from history?” -Ze Euros

Front page image for A TOMARKEN Superpack!: at
2003-02-06, Daniel P. Beckmann. A TOMARKEN Superpack!::

A TOMARKEN Superpack!:
Pax Americana We’re #1!! We’re #1 How did all this come to America?
Journalists Journal-Oct. 12, 10-12-02 A comparison into another culture dealing with crisis.

Front page image for My Last Field Trip at
2003-01-10, Ambivilen. My Last Field Trip:

01.10.03 With 19 years of space in between, there’s really not much difference between my first field trip to Historic Ft. Meigs and my last field trip to the Washington Post. Both set out to maintain the status quo for the little people by promoting that almighty American Dream, while conveniently concealing what would have been a more truthfully educational, but more importantly actually interesting out-of the classroom learning experience-submitted by Daniel P. Beckmann, Moderator of Letters

Front page image for An Act of GOD! at
2002-11-17, Daniel P. Beckmann. An Act of GOD!:

Who constitutes what is and what isn’t an Act of GOD!? Is it the Preacherman?-NO!…Maybe, Oprah?-NO! Its a web hosting company with a P. O. Box out of Florida silly!…How God has reportedly displayed his wrath upon tomarken’s on-line community and our jihad to save our very selfs.-contains some site visions for Post-2002 by Daniel P. Beckmann

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