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Senate Intern Love on the Rocks:You Suck

07.03.03-Washington, DC
From: Kelly Tripplehorn [ ]
Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2003 2:11 PM
Subject: you suck

Well, as of this afternoon, I was planning on ruining your career by making phone calls to all of my parents friends and have you blackballed from the workplace as well as every prestigous law school in the country, but then (lucky for you) I decided not to do that because you are a sad sad person and I will just let your life self destruct right before my eyes….

Michele I am sorry, I don’t care how big of sadistic fucked up crush you have on me but people like me simple don’t date people like you. You are too competitive with me and you just simply will never be better than me. I will always have more friends than you just because I don’t care about beating people and lying to get to the top. (You are an absolute hipocrit in everything that you do, I am not going to go into details why you are because that would be a waste of my time and yours but I can assure you if you were to ever meet yourself you would hate your twin) I have told most all of the staff about our situation now and they already knew you were really messed you. They said when you were talking to them about me, they all told me you had “serious issues” and that every word you said sounded scripted and they knew without a doubt that you were lying. I have noticed that people who you think are your good friends actually really dislike you but unlik! e me, they will not tell you to your face because they would rather be fake nice to you than be your enemy. …. Now talking about how I am obsessed with money, I simply am not. You are. You always are trying to impress me by how much money you have and I don’t care. The difference is though I talk about it but it is never about bragging and it is never directly about money, it is always directly about the conversation. Forinstance, someone will ask, what are you doing for july 4rth. And then I will say I am going to aspen. It is a simple fact that I am but since you don’t have a house in aspen, you get offended because of your competitive nature. When you talk about money you will say something like UT’s tuition is 5% of your family’s income, thus my tuition would be 125,000. Yea, Michele you are right, I brag too much about what I have…. Well I am just going to stop writing because you are just absolutely beneath me. I have heard that you try to undermine people all t! he time that are better than you and everysingle time it does not work because people can see through such shallowness and that is why as I have heard so many times, Most “everyone at UT absolutely hates you.” For instance even the people that you thought were your friends Mellissa Mahaffey or that girl you met at espn, they hate you, they just never say anything. Everyone knows you are a pathetic social climber who will go to any discusting means to move up the ladder. But guess what Michele, you will never move up the ladder because I am at the top and people like me hate people like you. You might be able to trick people like me for maybe a month or so but your true personality comes through after a while and it is vile, if that. You have sooooo many people that absolutely hate you and you will never know it because they will never say anything to your face. You will not succeed in life and even the staff thinks that also, after I told them about the things that you do. You suck! and good luck being miserable for the rest of your life. I do not even know why I wasted my time typing this for suck slime. Everyone tells me that you are so beneath me (which you are) and I should not get worked up over suck trifles. By the end of the day if I wanted to, I could make a phone call and have your life absolutely ruined but there is no need because you are falling fast enough towards failure without me. In the end, all I can say is that people love me and people hate you. You should observe me and take a few notes on how to make real friends. Other than you tieing this one other person, I have never had such little respect for a human being in my life. I don’t even have to tell you why because in my very accurate analysis that most everyone else agrees with, if you were to agree with my analyis about your character than my whole entire analysis would be wrong. Your inflamed ego has left you so blind and so impotent that you can nto even recognize the most o! bvious flaws in yourself. All your old roommates absolutely hated you and you still think the problem is with them, not you. Well I talked to your roommates and I thought they nice normal girls. So naturally, you would not fit in with them because you are so intellectually above them all. Right? You suck at life and you need to figure out why or you will be miserable for the rest of your life.

Once again from your intellectual, moral, social, and emotional superior,
Paul Kelly Tripplehorn, Jr.

From: Daniel P. Beckmann, Moderator of Letters
Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2003 4:42 PM
To: Kelly Tripplehorn [ ]
Subject: Setting the record straight

Mr. Tripplehorn,
I am a moderator of a on-line community with a mission provide content that is strictly pure and true.

Our community has been made aware of an email that was purportedly sent from your address and of the ensuing fervor that has swept our nation’s capitol as a result.

In accordance with our website’s core values, we would like to extend an invitation for you to release an unabridged written statement regarding this email so that your side of the story can be made public. To help clarify, we will publish to our site,, your statement exactly as you put it, in its entirety, free from any editing whatsoever–that’s is our pledge.

We are a highly respected, non-commercial website, which receives approx. 60,000 hits per month.

I look forward to the opportunity to serve your interests in setting the record straight, according to the way that you see it.

Respectfully yours,
–Daniel P. Beckmann
From the computer on the desk of:
Daniel P. Beckmann, Moderator of Letters
“Mutual Beneficial for all associated”

From: Daniel P. Beckmann, Moderator of Letters
Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2003 4:55 PM
Subject: Setting the record straight.

Ms “Cheezy girl”-
I am a moderator of a on-line community with a mission provide content that is strictly pure and true.

I am writing because, quite frankly and honestly, I am stunned at the audacity of the email that was sent to you and the work environment that it must have created. As someone that has worked on Capitol Hill, I am saddened by your experience, although, not incredibly surprised that this type of transaction occurred in the halls of our most highly regarded public servants. As you are trying to learn, power can effect people in a multitude of ways, and with concern to this individual, he apparently does not handle what little of it he gets very well.

With all this in mind, in accordance with our website’s core values, we would like to offer you the opportunity to release an unabridged and, if you choose, anonymous statement, with regard to this email and its aftermath. I have no doubts that the entire capitol staff is on your side in this matter and if this man has effected you in a negative way as he suggested, now is the time to set the record straight. A capitol hill internship can create the best summer of a lifetime and you should not be deprived of such, even though it may not seem possible to achieve at this point. Your statement will appear in its entirety, without any editing whatsoever, as that is what our website is all about, we want pure and true content.

For your information, is a highly respected, non-commercial website community which receives over 60,000 hits per month. It would be our honor to treat you with respect as this gentlemen apparently has not.

Please trust me in saying that people like this “Tripplehorn” character DO get their “come-up-ants” and that you might consider it a “mark of excellence” that someone like this disagrees with the way that you conduct your affairs.

Respectfully yours,
–Daniel P. Beckmann
From the computer on the desk of:
Daniel P. Beckmann, Moderator of Letters
“Mutual Beneficial for all associated”

-Moderator’s Note-
Mr. Paul Kelly Tripplehorn has since been relieved of his duty at the office of the Republican Senator from Texas, Kay Bailey Hutchinson, only to quickly find a new engagement in the office of Representative Kay Granger, another Republican from the State of Texas.

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