To the future in reverse...
Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories an hour.

Richard Tebrick moderates moderation for He is like Indiana Jones’ father crossed with Rain Man.

Front page image for America's Church at
2006-04-16, Revolution. America’s Church:

What is the relationship between the culture and character of a nation and the possibility of transposing the character of a nation’s church? There’s no transubstantiation at this Easter, but you can count on some Trans-Atlanticism.

Front page image for Twelve fragments for future moderation of slash two at
2006-04-14, Criticism. Twelve fragments for future moderation of slash two:’s Moderator of an Arbitrary Moderation Taxonomy, Richard Tebrick, meditates once again on the nature of apropos of the insidious “slash/two.”

Front page image for Zero-Sum Piracy at
2005-09-24, Criticism. Zero-Sum Piracy:

Zero-Sum Piracy is here now, and it will ask you to ask someone how they became a pirate.

Front page image for Dr. Yarrum's Not Gone. at
2005-01-10, Ambivilen. Dr. Yarrum’s Not Gone.:

On this very sad day in the history of, and following Beckmann’s touching eulogy to one of the great proponents of the Manifesto, our ardent comrade Dr. Yarrum, I find myself left in a crisis for a response to that event unrespondable. Grasping, then, and in the spirit of Tomarken, I offer the following short and ficticious elegiac words an’ drawrins’ to our departed confederate. He will be missed.

Front page image for Extinction Watch! 2005: American Movie, Guns n' Roses, and Quantum symmetry. at
2004-12-17, Research. Extinction Watch! 2005: American Movie, Guns n’ Roses, and Quantum symmetry.:

Extinction Watch! 2005 Tomarken’s faithful moderator of modulation returns to close out the year with this alarming discovery with regards American Movie, Guns n’ Roses, and quantum physical symmetry. Please read, for all of our safety.

Front page image for The Sovereign Google-Bomb and Jennifer Lopez Naked Party. at
2004-01-25, Revolution. The Sovereign Google-Bomb and Jennifer Lopez Naked Party.:

What is a Google-Bomb? What is a Jennifer Lopez Naked Party? What exactly is the Sovereign Google-Bomb? Learn the answers to these questions and more, in Paul’s ongoing quest for analysis of cultural modulation and search engine optimization technique.

Front page image for The Capture of Saddam Hussein and What follows at
2003-12-14, Criticism. The Capture of Saddam Hussein and What follows:

The capture and arrest of former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein could not have come at a more crucial time for the Bush administration, who, since the suspect transference of the War on Terrorism from Afghanistan, the staging base of Osama Bin Laden’s fundamental terrorist group, to Iraq, the staging base of the future production of billions of barrels of oil a year, have been fighting an almost constantly decreasing morale in the American public, as well as the loss of confidence of dozens of important foreign allies.

Front page image for An apology for posting website statistics.  at
2003-11-13, Criticism. An apology for posting website statistics.:

An apology for posting website statistics. I was reading Beckmann’s newest, the anti-plagarism thing, for which the front-page box contains also a link to the complete web usage statistics for From the early days, has purported a sensibility of “NO ZERO-SUM GAINS” and “NON-HEINOUS SELF PROMOTION”. I admit, I was nervous. What is the point of posting the web-site traffic statistics on the site itself? Is this heinous self-promotion? Are we bragging?

Front page image for 20 things that people seem to relate to. at
2002-07-31, Research. 20 things that people seem to relate to.:

In a process of reverse-engineering the tomarken strategy for relationship-building, Moderator of the Moderates, Richard Tebrick, has left you this thing.

Front page image for 20 emails..  at
2002-07-05, Ambivilen. 20 emails..:

Richard Tebrick embarks on his quest to be nicer to everybody in the fabulous article-of-sorts.

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