To the future in reverse...
I will not conform or compromise just to keep from hurting somebody's feelings. > Ambivilen > Dr. Yarrum’s Not Gone. (01-10-05)
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Dr. Yarrum’s Not Gone.

Richard Tebrick, Moderator of Malediction

On this very sad day in the history of, and following Beckmann’s touching eulogy to one of the great proponents of the Manifesto, our ardent comrade Dr. Yarrum, I find myself left in a crisis for a response to that event unrespondable. Grasping, then, and in the spirit of Tomarken, I offer the following short and ficticious elegiac words an’ drawrins’ to our departed confederate. He will be missed.

Ok, see you next time. Thanks to Dr. Yarrum for his great help. Rt.

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