To the future in reverse...
"Infertility unlikely to be passed on" - Montgomery Advertiser

RESEARCH DESK:For now we will sort by date of entry, later by subject area as those are established…

Front page image for The Art of Getting Women at
2002-05-23, Dr. Bill Mendelshon. The Art of Getting Women:

Many guys get very confused about what women want and how to please them. For a short while until I was in about 10th grade, I was one of these dumbfounded guys who couldn’t figure it out. Then came my big epiphany, a moment of clarity, if you will. The skies cleared, the sun shone down upon me, and it all looked so simple and clear. All women want the same thing, one thing…….money!

Front page image for FoxFields at
2002-05-06, Msme. C. S. V. Boyairre. FoxFields:

FoxFields Now with this weekend of the derby behind us, (and a thanks to Verizon for cutting our lines until today so that this wasn’t put up earlier) let us examine the relationship between the horses and the people that gather to watch them on a smaller scale..shall we?-submitted by Intervalist C.S.V.Boyairre-db

Front page image for Atlantic Blue Marlin Management and Recovery at
2002-04-29, Dr. Yarrum. Atlantic Blue Marlin Management and Recovery:

An attempt to establish tomarken as the educator of what is interesting and cool. Here you will find a thorough examination of the fate of the fish that not only Hemingway was enamored with, but also many present day fishermen-submitted by Mark E. Steiner, Tomarken’s Professor of Fishermanolgy-db

Front page image for Free Will? at
2002-04-15, Dr. Yarrum. Free Will?:

Free Will? IF we do indeed have “Free Will” than does it have its limitations?…Dr. Yarrum is at is again, asking his questions that make a few heads explode…so it may be a good time to bring up the tomarken policy on ownership…you remember, all contributors own their own work and all the rights associated.-submitted by Intervalist Dr. Yarrum-db

Front page image for Googlewhacking. at
2002-03-16, Research. Googlewhacking.:

A few thoughts on Googlewhacking and democracy, as percieved by Moderator of the Real, Richard Tebrick.

Front page image for Chaos? at
2002-03-01, Dr. Yarrum. Chaos?:

How do we live in a world in which order is an illusion vital for the conduct of a social system? The evidence that Chaos is the true state of the world is so vast as to be undeniable. How to live with Chaos is an interesting and amusing study. We do it all the time but cling to Illusion as much more comfortable. With enough honesty we may be just as comfortable with Chaos. We must find the laws that govern it and be comfortable again.

Front page image for M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-A at
2002-02-15, Research. M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-A:

M-I-C-K-E-Y-M-O-U-S-A. If there is a single institution in the United States that screams “America”, it must be Disneyland. Opened in 1955 by Walt Disney, Disneyland was created to applaud America citizens on their World War II victory by offering them a place of perfection…. submitted by Ellie Badesch-pt

Front page image for Men<->Women  at
2002-01-31, Mark G. Nugent. Men<->Women:

Intervalist Mark G. Nugent urges that “revolutionaries be kind to the other gender, because all numbers and strangness must begin somewhere…”

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