To the future in reverse...
Drunk Gets Nine Months in Violin Case.

CRITICISM DESK: Posted in sequential order for now, but as people complain, this lack of order shall inevitably collaspe into something else. If Olivia Newton John were alive today and promoting this burgoening category she may be signin’ “Let’s get critical, critical, I want to get critical, lets get inter-critical…let me see your body ka-fetch!”…

Front page image for Down with Modern Love!:Forward at
2002-08-18, Criticism. Down with Modern Love!:Forward:

Here at, we pride ourselves as resting on a particular space on the political spectrum. To find it, conservatives must look far towards the right and liberals must look far towards the left or something like that…we get confused. Down with Modern Love!:Forward the Phallocracy Part I-submitted by Nels Frye

Front page image for here you go at
2002-07-23, Criticism. here you go:

After all these months of tomarken, this guy finally sends something in and to be honest, I have had a hard time deciding whether or not its criticism or ambivilen. But in the pursuit of a real open open dialogue in this forum here you go-submitted by Michael S. DeBonis

Front page image for Camelbak:The New
2002-07-22, Criticism. Camelbak:The New “Glasses”:

Yes, even Dick Clark must eat, sleep, drink, & go to the potty,–well maybe not him…but everyone else does. So in this modern era have we actually gotten worse in any of these departments? Camelbak:The New “Glasses”-submitted by Caitlin E. Dorsey

Front page image for Muppet Government? at
2002-07-18, Criticism. Muppet Government?:

Forget about the puppet government!! How about the Muppet government?-submitted by Intervalist Dan Beckmann

Front page image for Evening News on Drugs at
2002-05-18, F. Nick Michaels. Evening News on Drugs:

Using scare tactics like calling this object: Evening News on Drugs…are apparently highly effective ways of getting our point accross while scaring all the grandmothers at the same time!-submitted by Intervalist F. Nick Flashnick

Front page image for Terrorism at
2002-05-14, Criticism. Terrorism:

There are two camps at battle terrorism-submitted by Intervalist Dr. Yarrum

Front page image for The Greatest People of All Time at
2002-05-12, Criticism. The Greatest People of All Time:

Da…Da…Da…dada!!! It’s the list that took forever in the making…this ain’t no VH-1 100 greatest songs…this doesn’t just stop at the 80s…no this is the real she-ite!! The Greatest People of All Time-submitted by Nels Frye

Front page image for Farm Bill jest Ain't No Good! at
2002-05-07, Criticism. Farm Bill jest Ain’t No Good!:

The Farm Bill comes around once every few yonders and effects everybody-even you eatin’ a corned beef sandwich over there in New Yak…so take some time and read my word for it cause’ Farm Bill Jest Ain’t No Good-submitted by Daniel P. Beckmann, Moderator of Letters

Front page image for Right On Man at
2002-03-14, Criticism. Right On Man:

Here’s a plea to allow for a simplification of all of civilIzation’s complex ‘b’ ’s’ in order to clear the way for what might just be really important in life…Right On Man -submitted by Intervalist Mark G. Nugent-db

Front page image for Dead Author's Manual  at
2002-03-05, Criticism. Dead Author’s Manual:

Dead Author’s Manual.”Would I have to be an idealist to say that men ought to only do what they enjoy and that choosing to do otherwise is a reflection of ones lack of a strong human instinct. I say that big brother is not watching you but has been dead for centuries and was born of authors who have forced a single packaged life for their ancestors.”-submitted by Intervalist Mark G. Nugent-db

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