Back as if nothing happened… we exhude Dr. Bill’s Triumphant Return!! Embrace his 4th Pillar of Wisdom in Plenty to Play with through Internet Dating–and this time he’s hiting the target audience!-submitted by Dr. Bill Mendelsohn
All existing parts of Dr. Bill Mendelshon’s final installment of his trilogy analloging his indepth research of the female species, a work tragically cut short by the bombing of his Chicago penthouse.
07.11.02. Dr. Bill’s really outdown himself this time! Surpasing even his first installment, he now explains… Once You’ve Got a Woman, What do You Do With Her?-submitted by Dr. Bill Mendelshon
Many guys get very confused about what women want and how to please them. For a short while until I was in about 10th grade, I was one of these dumbfounded guys who couldn’t figure it out. Then came my big epiphany, a moment of clarity, if you will. The skies cleared, the sun shone down upon me, and it all looked so simple and clear. All women want the same thing, one thing…….money!