To the future in reverse...
"Some phone psychics provide useless, erroneous information" - StatenIsland Sunday Advance

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9 moderation statements, zero moderation! - The Anti-Plagairist!

Front page image for Dr. Yarrum's Not Gone. at
2005-01-10, Ambivilen. Dr. Yarrum’s Not Gone.:

On this very sad day in the history of, and following Beckmann’s touching eulogy to one of the great proponents of the Manifesto, our ardent comrade Dr. Yarrum, I find myself left in a crisis for a response to that event unrespondable. Grasping, then, and in the spirit of Tomarken, I offer the following short and ficticious elegiac words an’ drawrins’ to our departed confederate. He will be missed.

Front page image for Official Statement from the Moderator on the instigations of Dr. Yarrum at
2005-01-09, Daniel P. Beckmann. Official Statement from the Moderator on the instigations of Dr. Yarrum: will celebrate its three-year anniversary at the end of this month. Throughout all of that time there has been one person who has always wondered what was going on with tomarken, was it going to rise again? Did he see a sputter of activity? You could always trust him to interact with every part of this site-his responses were so many I haven’t even put up half of them yet. I don’t exactly know if it was a generational thing or what happens to people when they get old, but Dr. Yarrum kept track of things, and often wondered why others didn’t do the same.

Front page image for Unified Theory of Philosophy at
2005-01-05, Dr. Yarrum. Unified Theory of Philosophy:

In what may indeed be Dr. Yarrum’s opus… posted here now, after his passing….
“All other so-called philosophies constitute an industry, a .source of income and notoriety that fights to perpetuate itself for its own glory.”

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