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9 moderation statements, zero moderation! - The Anti-Plagairist!

Front page image for Nerd Words at
2004-03-24, Ambivilen. Nerd Words:

For those who “Want to read the dictionary but simply don’t have the timeNerdWords!

Front page image for Friendster:As a guide to the
2004-03-22, Criticism. Friendster:As a guide to the “Why” Generation:

The initial gestapo-style word-o-mouth advertising that one had to endure on Friendster(R) before any honest-minded folk had the oppurtunity to make up their own minds on what this newly-fangled use of computer techonology added or subtracted from their present functionality serves as a great example of what its like being a lifetime resident of the “perpetual indentity-searching-Post-MTV(R) generation”-submitted by Daniel P. Beckmann

Front page image for
2004-03-08, Ambivilen. “This is the American Dream”:

All Americans, row by row, one single tribe united together behind their tele-visions proclaiming This is the American Dream-submitted by Richie Zevin

Front page image for Genetic Code of Aussie Phame at
2004-03-07, Criticism. Genetic Code of Aussie Phame:

If you’re looking for a place to birth your children so that they can later become famous Australians, you will have to look only for places other than the island continent. For the Genetics of Aussie Phame apparently cannot be arranged in a place that has less developed culture than yoghurt.-submitted by Daniel P. Beckmann

Front page image for The Book of Job:A Lecture at
2004-03-06, Criticism. The Book of Job:A Lecture:

A long time intervalist, Dr. Yarrum purports with all modesty that his Lecture on the Book of Job is one of his favorites. So…At this point I want to remind you, that this is a review of a book; that all the characters are fictional. I don’t want to lose you in deep philosophical discussion. We are still in Broward County and it is in the morning. Publix is calling and K-Mart beckons-submitted by Dr. Yarrum

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