As this late January snow blankets most of the Eastern United States…lets reflect on this proof that Mass., the state that was once the home to the famed Puritans, should not be confused with a place to find the fabled Good Sumaritans…Lump-submitted by Dora C. Villarosa
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9 moderation statements, zero moderation! - The Anti-Plagairist!
No its not Seinfeld here, but the kid brings up a good point and specific enough hopefully not to make a mockery out of our beloved “CRITICISM”-submitted by Ben Zapp
01.10.03 With 19 years of space in between, there’s really not much difference between my first field trip to Historic Ft. Meigs and my last field trip to the Washington Post. Both set out to maintain the status quo for the little people by promoting that almighty American Dream, while conveniently concealing what would have been a more truthfully educational, but more importantly actually interesting out-of the classroom learning experience-submitted by Daniel P. Beckmann, Moderator of Letters