For every hipster that I see / that strives against redundancy / I always see another one / that takes redundancy and runs.
2004-03-24, Ambivilen. Nerd Words:
For those who “Want to read the dictionary but simply don’t have the time…NerdWords!
2004-02-05, Criticism. Self-Chastisement: A nursery rhyme:
As evdienced by the massive captiol market of floppy books on self-criticism, tomarken enters another such commodity here into the catogery here-in our prefered format {no ‘workbooks’ yet included}.
2003-04-27, Ambivilen. Emphemera:
Dear Tomarken, Please consider the first four chapters of Ephemera for publication on your site. This is still a work in progress, but I would like to see how the beginnings are received. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation. Sincerely, Dora Christine Villarosa