To the future in reverse...
I want them to sell fireworks.

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9 moderation statements, zero moderation! - The Anti-Plagairist!

Front page image for An Alternative Presidential Pardon  at
2007-06-18, Revolution. An Alternative Presidential Pardon:

Lets face it, whetheor or not you voted for Bush or ever even liked him–you’ve got to admit, he’s creating a new space for himself as the last president you’d want on your junior high kick-ball team, soon he’ll get thumbed just past Jimmie Carter ‘79, the man needs something…something SUBstantial!-sbutmitted by Richie Zevin

Front page image for Those Hyphenated Last Names and The Impending Doom When Two of Them Get Together... at
2007-04-20, Ambivilen. Those Hyphenated Last Names and The Impending Doom When Two of Them Get Together…:

So I’m new here at Current as evidenced by this being my first blog entry. I won’t get into too much about that now, you know about the whole Cousin Larry driving from Wisconsin to the big city with nothing “gonna stand in his way”… I frankly need to milk the “I’m the new kid [...]

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