To the future in reverse...
"Court Rules Boxer Shorts Are Indeed Underwear" - Journal of Commerce > News > Original Letter of Moderation-2 (01-30-02)
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So the internet is an information economy, and information is losing. Hard to fathom? Well, get ready.

Janez Strehovec, in The Web as an Instrument of Power and a Realm of Freedom, (nice title windbag) notes that today “the development of the web is already fatefully defined by political, transpolitical, military, police, and media interests, and, above all, by the economic dominance of national and transnational institutions. Cyberspace is less and less a portent of messianic escape; it has become a colonised and “McDonald’s-ised” field for enforcing the technototalitarianism, web fascism, machismo, and tribalism of new, distinctively yuppified elites.”

Now I don’t know if is a portent of messianic escape (then again…), but i highly doubt it’s a field for enforcing techno-totalitarianism (then again). So what does that all mean to you? And why are you here reading insanely specialized bric-a-brac instead of on slashdot learning something useful? Who knows? It might be because you live life, and not technology. I don’t. I’m just saying that that might be it.

I think, however, that the best way to surmise the situation is to quote Jonathon Epstein, “The point is not to write the sociology of the car. The point is to drive.”

So fucking drive already.


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